the fuzzy golden buds of November as she prepares for the long winter.
Golden fur coats for the flowers to come?

And while you're at it, go ahead, browse around Etsy! You need to reward yourself with some original, artistic and handmade "somethings" from Etsy soon! I guarantee you'll find stuff for every need, every want, every price range and every taste: their search function has really really improved! So you can casually browse...or zoom right into the object of your desire! Clothing? Mittens? A hat? Jewelry? Vintage goodies? Cool supplies to create your own special projects? It's all there and more...
Have a happy Saturday!
I love that "golden fur coats" for the flowers to come. What a nice way of seeing it
New Follower from the Weekend Blog Hop.
Wow, they look like pussy willows.
Magnolia trees are awesome - they are ubiquitous in the South - I miss them.
Hmn...I've been doing a bit too much rewarding myself with little etsy treasures lately....
Lovely magnolia shots. Growing up we had a huge one right next to our house. I remember having to rake the giant plasticy leaves and loving it's fragrant blooms. Don't think I ever put too much notice into this stage of it's life cycle though.
Oh I have a lovely big Magnolia in my yard. I have taken many pictures at various stages and it's a tree that never fails to please with it's beauty.
You got some great shots and oh my I love your fog shots and of course your wonderful jewelry.
I have been away for almost a year now an am slowly making the rounds to visit old friends and get caught up!!
I hope you have a fantastic week!!
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