The past week was spent preparing for and then going to Eastern Carolina University where I gave a talk, juried a show with another artist, and became reacquainted with artists who teach and work in the area. A major printmaking symposium was getting started there during our paper making event.
I'm pretty ragged right now--travel sometimes does that to me--so I'm putting up some photos that hint at a few more to come as the week progresses and I get re-energized to talk a little bit more about this project.
My first impression of Greenville this trip in was via my flight in as we flew over the area and then landed. Most plentiful were the tops of green trees as far as I could see-it looked luscious! Up close, trees and plant forms also figured in some of the artwork that was part of the paper making and the printmaking events and I chose 2 neat examples here. And on my last day in the area, I went over to Raleigh with a friend and we spent time wandering the fantastic arboretum there as the day was fading.
More later!
Sometimes it's just nice to take time to be inspired by a new place. Glad you're getting the chance to do that!
As enjoyable as a trip can be, it can also be exhausting. It's always nice to get back home again. Looking forward to hearing more about it
Love to see how creative they can do with trees!
you know i can't resist a title like SOMETHING ABOUT TREES!!! bes ure to catch my blog series on American Hardwoods..up next: Poplar
Love that Crepe Myrtle bark. Don't recall that I've ever seen that tree.
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