I didn't just come back from North Carolina with new images, adventures and ideas...oh no. I came back with a really vicious virus that knocked me back like I haven't experienced in years. So, when I show you this photo.....
Or this one...
Or this one...
...and say, well yes, it's a new silk and pearl piece with the title "Evening Waterfall" but actually, a waterfall is an apt description of my nose. Who knew so much liquid could flow from one's head? I wish I owned stock in Kleenex!
My friends say this nasty bug going around has knocked a lot of people back on their "you know whats"....I must say I slept more in the past 5 days than I have in the past 2 weeks..uh oh, maybe that's why my resistance was down?
I do know that I may as well have been...
But that I hope and trust that in a few more days, I'll be...
And once I am all back to normal....
...new goodies like these will turn up in my little shop on Etsy,
and more new stories will be told!
Keep well, everyone! I'm going back to bed....
I have my fingers crossed that this virus keeps on truckin' when it sees our door. School *just* started and I desperately need my kids to continue going every day.
I'll even take one for the gipper if it means they'll keep going regularly.
It was a really, really long summer.
Hey, logged into the wrong account to leave that message -- that's my alter ego.
I'm really Cardiogirl. Oops.
Ouch, that first picture goes way beyond soar throat. Sure hope you're feeling better soon.
Only you could find such a creative way to describe your icky flu! Hope you are much better soon.
Your new goodies look great! I hope that you feel better soon!
I'm so sorry you're feeling so punk right now! ;o( You posted some amazing photos though and your brain must be working still because you did a fabulous job of finding photos that were appropriate! LOVE the new jewelry and can't wait to see it in your shop. Get better soon!
Awh, get well soon!!! Lovely new items too, especially that waterfall bracelet. I love your new silk line!
So sorry you are feeling so bad but what a beautiful way to describe it. Love, Love, Love the new bracelets! I may have to get me on.
Feel better and betterer, soon and sooner!
I do sympathise. I'm feeling that way myself just now. Hope both of us are better soon.
I love the orchids!!!
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