....was included in, you guessed it, a collection about the blues (as in the color, not the melancholia I mentioned the other day!)
Very pretty blog and really nice curated selections from Etsy shops by Beatrice and Violet that you might not find on your own. So any artists reading this and looking for some extra exposure might want to check into EtsyStalker...and any readers interested in looking at more of what's "out there" in Etsy-land might want to bookmark this site to keep an eye out! Hey, they can even make YOU into a stalker! Plus they have some pretty good give-aways...darn if I didn't just miss trying for one that was won just yesterday-a really pretty glass pendant.

That's an interesting mix on that bracelet
Wow, congrats! It's such a gorgeous piece too!
Well congratulations on being stalked. With a bracelet like that I can see why they chose to stalk you :)
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