My potted hyacinths aren't pink but the fragrance has been just so beautiful and soothing. But more and more pinks will be appearing in the gardens as the season progresses....because I just love pink (well, and just about every other color, lol!)
Right now, it's raining like crazy so there's a good chance that all those pretty flowers now in bloom will be fairly battered tomorrow....I'll be sure to post photos so we can weep together!!
Have a totally terrific Tuesday!!
I LOVE hyacinths
"If you have two loaves of bread
Sell one, and with the dole
Buy hyacinths to feed your soul"
I'm waiting for the days when I'll be seeing colors like these here. I know they'll be coming soon. And this is a pleasant reminder.
These flowers are really delicate, and I didn't know hyacinths could be so beautiful! I look forward to seeing more and more colours :)
I love the flowers in the photo. I can smell their fragrance.=) Thanks for sharing them to us! And I am hoping to see the flowers bllom tomorrow. =)
Just to see their color and shapes gives certain feeling of calmness...
Hyacinths are my favorite spring flower. their scent is heavenly. We always get a shipment of them in at Easter time and they usually set some up by the bakery so I get to smell them all day long. The pinks are my favorite ones
My star magnolia bloomed, but sadly lost most of the blossoms too quickly. Sigh. Why do they do that??
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