Monday, June 1, 2009

Entrecard, Take One (or, Drop One!)

I've had "Entrecard" on my blog for 21 days now, through the end of May! It's really been an interesting new experience, especially discovering new bloggers and their blogs. It's a little tricky to get the hang of, and I still have no clue how the price on blog spots (that is, buying and selling the ad space) is set, or why I'm not getting credit for every post I do...just some of them. So there's still a lot to learn. But the traffic here has definitely improved, which is so great! Not that I mind talking to myself...but it's fun to share, too! So to summarize the past 3 weeks, here are the top 10 "droppers."

Split Rock Ranch
Three Fates Design - Beaded Jewelry
Let's Jump Together
Art By Paul Baines
Pat's Encaustics - Art in the Wax
Stuff and Nonsense
Jill's Creative Cafe Page
Superficial Gallery T-Shirts

Now, if I can just get my service provider to fix this @##$%^&* router so I can have less trial and tribulation staying connected to the internet, I shall look forward to an even better experience with Entrecard in June! Meanwhile, thank you to all who "drop by!" I really appreciate it.


Split Rock Ranch said...

Glad you're enjoying it! BTW, you get credit for a blog post every three days, so you can only earn 25 credits every three days, even if you post daily.

Grampy said...

Well see we both learned something. I just have fun dropping my cards and visiting some wonderful blogs.
Thanks for visiting Grampys Place and take anything you want off my blog. I love to share.


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