Lucky me--thanks to the recommendation of another "pearl lovin' artist" I was recommended for and made it into the Etsy gift guide for June pearls!! Special thanks to Cindy at CHRDesigns for her referral! So by all means go shop for pearls for your mom, your spouse, your friends with birthdays (it IS one of the birthstones!) and any other excuse you can think of...because pearls are truly one of nature's special gifts to treasure.
Fantastic! I love pearls. They are all I have been shopping for lately. They are so beautiful, yet subdued - wearing them, I don't feel like a sparkling Christmas tree, or throw rainbows all over the room! They're really elegant and I love how you can find them in all different colors. Peacock pearls are my favorite. They are sooo cool-looking.
Sweet! Congrats!
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