Saturday, February 6, 2010

An Old Tradition

"Share the Love"

Nothing too heavy, but every year, I'm compelled to make a 2-D, handmade, original Valentine greeting card. Since fiddling with paste and paper doesn't fit into my schedule this year, and since that urge to fulfill my tradition is so compelling, I made this "card" today, after raiding some of my garden photos from last summer, and taking liberties with them.

It's all ready to be popped into an e-mail envelope....this isn't cheating, is it? I'm having way too much fun crocheting silk and pearls right now to stop what I'm doing and to switch over to paper and this sort of "happened" instead.

Enjoy your Sunday AND the Super Bowl!


Ann said...

I don't think it's cheating at all. It's very pretty and who wouldn't love to open an email and see that inside

Rick (Ratty) said...

An e-mail envelope is just right. I just saw the price of postage an hour ago, so e-mail is perfect. Besides, more people use it now.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Oh, that is really pretty! Way to go.


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