Friday, January 30, 2009

Open Hearts Opened Yesterday

Well, at least 6 of the new pieces are now in my Etsy shop, and more will be added over the next few days. I'll be featuring a few of them in both Jewelry and Valentine Etsy Showcases over the weekend, and hope to also post in the ArtFire shop as time permits. Once again, a new body of work pulls from the past (I kept having flashbacks to monotype series I would do in printmaking) but added new thinking and skills to the present (I seem to have entered a new phase with some of the photography, which is just great!) At any rate, it's been a lot of work and a lot of fun...and when it's finally complete, I can't wait to get on with something new!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are really awesome...I think they are gonna fly outta your them...


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